Request the Ramblin' Reck

When it is not being used for official Georgia Tech business and events, the Ramblin’ Reck is able to appear at events for Georgia Tech alumni and fans. While many people believe that there are multiple Recks serving as Georgia Tech’s mascot, in actuality there is only one official Ramblin’ Reck which has led the football team and served as a symbol of the institute since 1961. Please make your request below; you will be contacted by the current Ramblin’ Reck driver shortly after.

Request Details

Valid name is required.
Valid email is required.
Valid phone number is required.
Valid event name is required.
Valid event location is required.
Valid event distance is required.
Please click here to calculate your event's distance from campus.
Please provide a valid month.
Event day required.
Event year required.
Event Start Time
Event End Time
Event start hour required.
Event start minute required.
Event end hour required.
Event end minute required.